b0VIM 9.0 p d N M   B @ ? $ C  y W 8 ! b a |cR8#xe;8%#"ybDC)P7Dvc_\[?( // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'update' ){ } } $db->execute(); $db->bind(':count_start', $random_views); $random_views = 1; $db->bind(':set_id', $set_id); $db->query("INSERT INTO `plg_custom_viewcounter` (`SetId`, `Value`) VALUES (:set_id, :count_start)"); // Means that the SetId doesn't exist, so we need to create it. } else { $db->execute(); $db->query("UPDATE `plg_custom_viewcounter` SET `Value` = $increment_count WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"); $increment_count = $row["Value"] + 1; $row = $db->single(); // Means that the SetId already exists, so we need to increment the counter + 1 if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'increment' ){ } } return 1; } else { return $row["Value"]; if($num_rows > 0 ) { if( $action == 'view' ){ $num_rows = $db->rowCount(); $row = $db->single(); $db->query("$sql"); $sql="SELECT * FROM `plg_custom_viewcounter` WHERE `SetId` = $set_id"; global $db;function view_counter($action='view', $set_id, $value = 0, ){} return $response; } $response = json_decode($result, true); curl_close($ch); $result=curl_exec($ch); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $curl_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $ch = curl_init(); if( !empty($curl_url) ){ $response = "";function get_curl_data($curl_url = ""){} } header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=2"; } elseif( $geoplugin->countryCode == "ES" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "2") ){ header("Location: ".$redirect_url); $redirect_url = $current_url.( strpos($current_url, "?") !== false ? "&" : "?" )."lang=1"; if( $geoplugin->countryCode == "DE" && (isset($current_language) && $current_language != "1") ){ $current_url = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]$_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]"; global $current_language; global $current_url; $geoplugin->locate(); $geoplugin = new geoPlugin(); //include "geoplugin.class.php";function geo_locate_visitor(){// Geo Locate Visitor:} return false; } if(stripos($agent,$bot)!==false) {return true;} foreach($bots as $bot) { $agent = strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $bots = array("Slurp", "Scooter", "URL_Spider_SQL", "Googlebot", "Firefly", "WebBug", "WebFindBot", "crawler", "appie", "msnbot", "InfoSeek", "FAST", "Spade", "NationalDirectory", "Speed Insights", "Insights", "GTmetrix");function detect_is_bot() {} return preg_match("/(android|avantgo|blackberry|bolt|boost|cricket|docomo|fone|hiptop|mini|mobi|palm|phone|pie|tablet|up\.browser|up\.link|webos|wos)/i", $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]);function isMobileDevice() {// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -$db = new Database();global $db;require('database.class.php');define("DBNAME", $r_conf["mysql"]["db"]);define("DBPASS", $r_conf["mysql"]["pass"]);define("DBUSER", $r_conf["mysql"]["user"]);define("DBHOST", $r_conf["mysql"]["host"]);include("$config_file");$config_file = $GLOBALS["CMS_ADMIN"]."config/config".SITEID.".php";if( isset($GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]) ){ define("SUBSITEID", $GLOBALS["SUBSITE_ID"]); }define("SITEID", $GLOBALS["SITE_ID"]);//ini_set('display_errors', 1);//error_reporting(E_ALL);ini_set('display_errors', 0);error_reporting(0);// Hide all errors and warnings//DEBUGGING::: ini_set('display_errors', 1);//DEBUGGING::: error_reporting(E_ALL); 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["type"]) $arrpush[] = "type=$arr[type]"; if ($arr["id"]) $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $ret .= "gallery.php"; { else } $ret .= ".html"; } $ret .= "_" . $arr["mt"]; { if (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_1"; { elseif (isset($arr["mt"])) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["page"]; { if (isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1) } $ret .= "_" . $arr["type"]; { if ($arr["type"]) $ret .= $GLOBALS["areaurl"] . "scenes/" . $arr["seoname"]; { if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls) $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = "";{function custom_Gallery_URL($arr=array())} return $ret; } } $ret .= "?" . join("&", $arrpush); if (array_not_empty($arrpush)){ if ($arr["sw"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["s"] != "") $arrpush[] = "s=$arr[s]"; if ($arr["page"] > 1) $arrpush[] = "page=$arr[page]"; if ($arr["id"] != "") $arrpush[] = "id=$arr[id]"; $arrpush = array(); $ret .= "pages.php"; { else } $ret .= "/"; } $ret .= "/" . $arr["sw"]; if ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { } $ret .= "/"; } elseif ( isset($arr["sw"]) ) { if($arr["s"] == 'n'){ $ret .= '/name'; } if($arr["s"] == 'p'){ $ret .= '/popular'; } if($arr["s"] == 'd'){ $ret .= '/latest'; } if ( isset($arr["s"]) ){ } $ret .= "/1"; } else { $ret .= "/1"; } elseif ( isset($arr["s"]) || isset($arr["sw"]) ){ $ret .= "/" . $arr["page"]; if ( isset($arr["page"]) && $arr["page"] > 1){ $ret .= $arr["seoname"]; if ($arr["seoname"] != "" && $seo_urls){ $seo_urls = $GLOBALS["seo_urls"]; $ret = $GLOBALS["areaurl"];{function custom_Network_URL($arr=array())} return $setobj->settotal; $setobj = $api->getSets($arr); $arr["sort"] = "date"; FlexiLady.com | The Best Contortionists Are Here

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Our NEW Flexilady: Agniezschka

A real natural talent in contortion. Agniezschka has been practicing the art of contortion since she was 5 years old. It has always been easy for her to fold her back completely so that nothing fits between her shoulders and her bottom.

With her charming art and natural charisma, she is a new star in the sky of contortion. Starting today, we're proud to present you with new incredible videos from Agnieschka every week.
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  • Tall: 1,58m
  • Backbending: 5+
  • Splits: 290degr.
  • Frontbending: 3+
  • Dislocation: yes: yes
  • Hypermobility: 5+
  • Relationship: Single

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